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Welcome to the Baby Father’s website.


The Baby Fathers began with 3 members who all had their own stories and issues regarding accessing their children.

The podcast acted a voice and a safe space for these stories to be shared and discussed.


Since the podcast began, it has given an insight on to the huge scale to which these issues are happening across the country regardless of age, culture and faith. Fathers are empowered by listening to other stories of those at different stages in their journey, and those who have gone through the full process for access to their child. The podcast has been a thought provoking space for discussion and insight to both parents, growing a community of support and advice along the way.


The platform today encourages fathers to come on, to share their stories, encourage and advise other fathers . We have invited multiple professionals from the related industries, such a solicitors , social workers etc, in a bid to give a greater insight to how the system works, as often it can be daunting and off putting to fathers to consider the court process.


Our focus is on Fathers been denied Access, Family Court, CMS. 


We believe all Fathers should be able to see their child

Our Mission

Our Mission

To empower all fathers who our having difficulty's getting access to see their child.

By giving fathers a voice and a safe place to share their experiences on how to navigate through the family court system.

Young Man

Our Aim

We believe that every father should have access to their child(ren) without being discriminated against.

To Empower and support fathers to give the information to help them navigate through the system as the out come for the father to be about to spend time with their child again. 


Don't Give Up!

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